How can parents manage on-court emotions and tantrums of young tennis athletes? Practical tips


If your child tends to experience tantrums during matches, prepare him beforehand for different scenario cases (such as losing the first set, being unable to serve, or feeling tired…….). Then, discuss together a customized simple technique for getting back in the game, such as taking deep breaths or closing his eyes for a few seconds…whatever makes him feel more relaxed and help return to a calm state…

as a recap:

  1. PREPARE BEFOREHAND your child for match challenges: losing the first set, serving struggles, fatigue…..
  2. DISCUSS SCENARIOS and create a technique together,
  3. Encourage CHOICES/OPTIONS to help return to a calm state: deep breaths, brief eye closure…


As parents, witnessing our children struggle with emotions on the tennis court can be challenging.

How can we effectively manage these situations in real-time to promote fair play and sportsmanship?

Here are two practical tips for parents to apply live on the spot:

  1. Stay calm and supportive: in the heat of the moment, it’s crucial to remain composed and supportive. Approach your child with a calm demeanor, offering words of encouragement and reassurance. VALIDATE THEIR FEELINGS (“it’s ok to feel frustrated but I believe in you, come on you can make it”) while gently reminding them of the importance of controlling emotions and maintaining sportsmanship. By modeling calm and supportive behavior, you can help your child regain focus and composure on the court,
  2. Implement a timeout strategy: If emotions escalate to the point where fair play is compromised, consider implementing a timeout strategy. Politely request a brief break from the match, allowing your child to step away and regain their composure. Use this time to offer words of encouragement and discuss strategies for managing emotions in challenging situations. Encourage deep breathing exercises to help your child reset and refocus before returning to the match.


Debrief during moments of calm

In conclusion, nurturing sportsmanship and emotional resilience in young athletes is a collaborative effort between parents and players. By proactively addressing challenges as they arise, providing support and guidance in the moment, facilitating constructive post-match discussions, and preparing effectively before the match, parents can empower their children to navigate the highs and lows of competition with grace and integrity. Together, let’s foster a culture of fair play and positive growth in sports, ensuring that every young athlete has the opportunity to thrive both on and off the court.

Together, let’s emphasize the importance of thorough PREPARATION, ensuring that every young athlete is equipped to face whatever challenges may arise on and off the court!

#SportsParenting #YouthSports #TennisParenting #Preparation #PositiveMindset

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