What is Performance Anxiety and how does it affect your child’s performance?

Performance Anxiety can be a significant challenge for young athletes, impacting their confidence and ability to excel in sports and other areas of life. Here’s how you can recognize it and help your child overcome it:

Understanding Performance Anxiety: performance anxiety is a form of stress that occurs when an individual feels pressure to perform well in a specific situation, such as during a sports competition or a test.

Damages for young athletes:

  1. Decreased confidence: performance anxiety can undermine a young athlete’s confidence, causing them to doubt their abilities and fear failure,
  2. Impaired performance: excessive anxiety can lead to physical symptoms such as tense muscles, rapid heartbeat and sweating, which can interfere with an athlete’s performance,
  3. Negative self-talk: Performance Anxiety can trigger negative self-talk and self-doubt, leading to a cycle of defeatist thoughts that further undermine performance,
  4. Fear of failure: young athletes may become so focused on avoiding failure that they become paralyzed by fear, preventing them from taking risks and performing to their full potential,
  5. Mental health impacts: chronic Performance Anxiety can take a toll on a young athlete’s mental health, leading to increased stress, depression and burnout!!!

Suggestions for parents:

  1. Open communication: encourage your child to talk openly about their feelings and experiences, both on and off the field. Listen empathetically and validate their emotions without judgment,
  2. Normalize failure: help your child understand that failure is a natural part of the learning process and an opportunity for growth. Encourage them to reframe mistakes as learning experiences rather than personal shortcomings,
  3. Teach coping strategies: teach your child relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, visualization and progressive muscle relaxation to help them manage anxiety during high-pressure situations,
  4. Set realistic goals: help your child set achievable goals that focus on effort and improvement rather than solely on outcomes. Celebrate their progress and effort, regardless of the outcome of the competition. “Passport for a Champion” – available soon on Amazon – will help your child set up realistic goals!
  5. Seek professional support: If your child’s Performance Anxiety persists or significantly impacts their well-being, consider seeking guidance from a mental health professional who specializes in working with young athletes,
  6. and the most important thing!!! Renew your love and support: Reaffirm your unconditional love and support for your child, reminding them that you are there for them no matter what happens. Sometimes, parents unintentionally place pressure on their children who strive to make their parents proud. Whether in victory or defeat, be there for them and assure them that they have your unwavering support!

By providing support, understanding and practical strategies, parents can play a crucial role (because sometimes they are also part of the problem)in helping their young athletes manage and overcome performance anxiety, allowing them to enjoy sports and reach their full potential.

The keys to emotional coaching for parents of young athletes–> online resource 9.99€ https://www.annedelannet.com/services/

#youthsports #parenting #mentalhealth #sportspsychology #anxietymanagement #confidencebuilding #stressmanagement

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